Fuchs Co-launches Hydrogen ICE Lube


The Toyota Mirai has failed to capture the public's imagination and resides in the Toyota Museum in Nagoya. ©posztos

German independent lubricant company Fuchs and automotive propulsion specialist Dumarey Group have codeveloped and launched an automotive lubricant for hydrogen internal combustion engines.

The feasibility of H2ICE vehicles significantly impacting on greenhouse gas emissions is contested. Hydrogen has less energy density than gasoline, so ICEs running on it need to burn more or range and power are reduced. Hydrogen is also more expensive than conventional fuels, and H2ICEs emit nitrogen oxides, making them not zero emissions.

The collaboration between Fuchs and Dumarey started in 2021 in a search for specific lubricant formulations for sustainable powertrain technologies and has created lubricants for H2ICE powertrains and for e-axel reducers.

Beyond the limitations of hydrogen’s energy density, the gas has other implications for formulators. One is pre-ignition, which places excessive mechanical stress on the engine and transfers more heat into the piston. Another is the chemical byproduct of hydrogen combustion – water. This means any lubricant has to have high water-handling capabilities.  

“Our innovative lubricants are engineered to meet the unique specification of hydrogen engines and electric powertrains, ensuring optimal performance and contributing to the future of mobility and power generation,” Fuchs Mining Division and OEM Division Executive Vice President Carsten Meyer said min a press release.