Volume 1 Issue 53

SSY Base Oil Shipping Report
December 26, 2018Adrian Brown is away. His column will reappear in the January 9 edition of Lube Report Americas.

Concerns Ease Over ACEA Use of ILSAC Tests
December 26, 2018Automaker and oil company representatives say their biggest concerns about European use of engine tests developed in North America have been alleviated and that they are now confident that major problems should not arise from those tests being used on both sides of the Atlantic.

Trade War Disrupted Quiet 2018
December 26, 2018The trade war between the United States and China was one of the major events of 2018 - a year that otherwise was relatively quiet for the lubricants industry in the Americas. The industry launched a supplemental passenger car engine oil category but executed just a few acquisitions and avoided major disruptions caused by weather events or accidents.

Majors Losing Grip in Western South America
December 26, 2018Major oil companies are loosening their grip on the western South American lubricants market, shifting their strategy and allowing regional players to seize more control, according to an industry insider.
From Other Editions of Lube Report
December 26, 2018Briefly Noted
December 26, 2018Wakefield Canada separated its sales division into two different units. Shannon Spano will lead the consumer sales division and Hasan Zobairi will direct the commercial and industrial sales division.Pilot Chemical Co.named Hans Hummel business line manager at its headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio.Renewable Energy Group Inc.named Cynthia Warner as president and CEO, effective January 14.