Our circulation numbers are soaring.
Circulation manager Sheryl Unangst has just shared our latest audited figures: LubesnGreases Europe-Middle East-Africas qualified circulation swelled by 15 percent, rising from 9,795 in May 2011 to 11,252 in May 2012.
This is tangible proof that the lubricants industry in Europe, the Middle East and Africa is relying on this magazine for objective and independent reporting, reliable information, interesting features and informed opinions. If these regions are your market, take a look at our complete audited BPA statements – go to www.LNGemea.com and click on Advertising. Shouldnt you be advertising in EMEA?
Gloria Steinberg Briskin is offering some terrific early bird discounts on 2013 ad placements. Advertisers who commit by 14 December will only pay 2012 published rates. Plus nine-time advertisers will get the 12-time rate, and 12-time advertisers will get their last same-size ad free.
Dont delay. Contact Gloria today at Gloria@LNGpublishing.com.
– Nancy J. DeMarco