1-3. OilDoc Conference and Exhibition
KUKO Conference Center, Rosenheim, Germany. Contact: Astrid Hacklander, OilDoc.
Phone: +49 8034 9047-700.
E-mail: info@oildoc.com
Web: www.oildoc.com
24-25. ICIS World Base Oils Conference
Lancaster Hotel, London, U.K. Contact: Emiley Partington, ICIS, Quadrant House, Sutton, Surrey, SM2 5AS, UK. E-mail: emiley.partington@rbi. co.uk Web: www.icis.com
5-6. UNITI Mineral Oil Technology Congress
Maritim Hotel Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany. Contact: Carmen Fogel,
UNITI-Mineraloeltechnologie GmbH, Jagerstrasse 6, D-10117, Berlin.
Phone: +49 (0) 30 755 414-400. Fax: +49 (0) 30 755 414-474.
E-mail: fogel@uniti.de
Web: www.umtf.de
5-7. Base Oils and Lubricants in Russia and the CIS Conference
Moscow. Contact: Jekaterina Sundaralingam, Conference Director, World Refining Association, 5th Floor, 86 Hat-ton Garden, London, EC1N 8QQ, UK.
Phone: +44 (0) 207 067 1800.
5-7. Tribology 2011
University of Pretoria Conference Centre, Pretoria, South Africa. Contact: Gillian Fuller, South Africa In-stitute of Tribology, P.O. Box 1240, Kelvin, South Africa, 2054.
Phone: +27 11 802 5145.
E-mail: secretary@sait.org.za
Web: www.sait.org.za
30-May 3. ELGI 23rd Annual General Meeting
Hotel Pullman Paris Tour Eiffel, Paris. Contact: Carol Koopman, Executive Director, European Lubricating Grease Institute, Hemonylaan 26, 1074 BJ, Amsterdam.
Phone: +31 (0) 20 67 16 162. Fax: +31 (0) 20 67 32 760.
E-mail: carol@elgi.demon.nl