Volume 5 Issue 2

Publisher's Note: Lubes'n'Greases Goes Digital
January 12, 2005LubesnGreases magazine is now available free to subscribers worldwide in a digital edition. The digital edition is an exact replica of the print edition of the award-winning monthly magazine for the lubricants industry. The digital edition includes every article, every photograph and every advertisement that appear in the print edition of the magazine. Subscribers can choose to receive the print edition, the new digital edition, or both. Subscribers to the digital edition will receive an email ...

Total's Soriano Bids Adieu
January 12, 2005The U.S. lubricant industry will lose one of itstenured executives this quarter with the departure of Tony Soriano, president of Total Lubricants USA Inc. Soriano circulated a letter last week stating he will retire March 1, after 22 years leading Totals American subsidiary and its predecessor companies. Sorianos letter said he will be replaced by Alain Cleret, who has been with the company for 24 years, the last five in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, as regional director of lubricants for the Mid...

U.K. Lube Groups Merge
January 12, 2005From the first of January 2005 an historic change has been made in the United Kingdoms lubricants industry representative bodies. The British Lubricants Federationand the U.K. delegation to the Union of the European Independent Lubricant Industryhave joined forces to form aunited voice for the industry. The BLFs formation can be traced back to the closing stages of the First World War. In May 1918 a meeting was convened by the Ministry of Munitions to discuss the allocation of freight space of t...

Fuchs Buys British Lubes Business
January 12, 2005The worlds largest independent lubricant blender is still growing. Fuchs Petrolub AG announced last week that it has acquired Ovoline Lubricants, a division of British oil products company Brett Oils Ltd. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. Ovoline sells automotive and industrial lubricants and had sales revenue of 13 million last year. Fuchs, in a statement issued Thursday, said the acquisition will broaden its offering of industrial products by adding lubricants used for wire rope pro...

Automakers: SA Oils Do 'Serious Damage'
January 12, 2005An alliance of international auto manufacturers says it has concrete evidence that API category SA engine oils — long obsolete but still widely sold — are “likely to cause serious damage” and lead to increased emissions if used in engines built since the 1940s. And now it wants the American Petroleum Institute, SAE International and other lubricant industry organizations to help educate consumers not to use such products, which typically lack engine-protecting additives. ...