Volume 1 Issue 15

Feds Recommend Metalworking Practices
December 12, 2001After four years of work, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration last month issued a manual recommending ways for employers to protect workers exposed to metalworking fluids. Industry representatives and worker groups alike praised the 93-page document as a compilation of helpful procedures, many of which have not been widely adopted. But industry representatives also contended that the initiative was most significant for what it did not produce – a federal standard turning...

Oronite, Lukoil Move Toward J.V.
December 12, 2001Chevron Oronite Co. LLC has reached an agreement to supply lubricating oil additives to Russian oil giant OAO Lukoil Oil Co., a deal that marks a step toward realizing plans for a joint venture serving Russia and the former Soviet republics. Under terms of the master supply agreement, Oronite will supply additives for Lukoil lubes until the companies are prepared to have Oronite additives produced at a Lukoil facility. Oronites additives supply to OAO Lukoil’s refineries is the first stage...

New Diesel Oil Approved On Time
December 12, 2001Last Wednesday saw the birth of the latest diesel engine oil specification, API CI-4. Equilons Ralph Cherrillo, chairman of Subcommittee B of ASTMs Committee D-2 for Petroleum Products and Lubricants, presided over the approval of what had been known as Proposed Catetory 9 (PC-9) during its two-and-a-half-year gestation period. The category upgrade was a remarkable achievement – produced on time, with universal satisfaction for the outcome. Marketers will begin to sell this new oil shortly...