Volume 3 Issue 47

Gazprom Takes Over Serbia Plant
November 24, 2020Gazpromneft-Lubricants has taken control of and plans to expand NIS’s blending plant in Novi Sad, Serbia, to boost its presence and product sales in the Balkan region and in Central and Eastern Europe, a company official told Lube Report.

Draft Work on Euro 7 Gets Pushback
November 24, 2020European automakers and other industries are pushing back on a proposal that reportedly could bring a halt to sales of vehicles powered solely by internal combustion engines by 2025.

Used Oil Collection Recovers in Italy
November 24, 2020Used oil collection in Italy nearly recovered to pre-pandemic levels during the three months ended in August, according to the National Consortium for the Management, Collection and Treatment of Used Mineral Oils. Known as Conou, the group collected 2% less volume of used lubricating oil during that period, compared to a year earlier.
From Other Editions of Lube Report
November 24, 2020Singapore to Mandate Packaging Cuts
Briefly Noted
November 24, 2020United Kingdom-based independent lubricants blender Exol Lubricants invested in an additional six-head Adelphi Masterfil filling machine at its production facility in Wednesbury. Specializing in filling one and five liter containers, the additional filling line handles both low and high viscosity lubricants and provides greater capacity for small and large orders.