Volume 9 Issue 30
Farm Equipment Evolving in China
July 29, 2022China’s agricultural machinery sector is likely to see big improvements in oils for tractors and harvesters thanks to the nation’s determination to expedite the modernization of the farming industry, Afton engineer Niu Qiang said at a salon-style meeting earlier this month. The faces of leading OEMs are changing, as are the designs of their equipment.
Japan Demand Jumped in June
July 29, 2022Japan’s consumption of finished lubricants jumped 27%, and production swelled by 37% in June, compared to the same month last year, according to data released today by the Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. For the first six months of this year, lubricant consumption increased 6% to 681,647 kL, compared to 643,082 kL in the same period of 2021.
Apar Profit Doubled in Quarter
July 29, 2022Indian transformer oil supplier Apar Industries reported increases of more than 100% in net profit and a 24% jump in revenues from its transformer and specialty oil segment for the quarter ending June 30, the first quarter of its fiscal year. Higher industrial and automotive lube sales volumes helped boost the segment’s revenue.
From Other Editions of Lube Report
July 29, 2022Briefly Noted
July 29, 2022Japan’s sales of new automobiles declined 10% in June to 327,896, compared to 365,631 in the same month last year, according to data released by the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association. Year-to-date sales through June reached 2.1 million, a 16% drop from the same period last year.