Volume 6 Issue 1
SSY Base Oil Shipping Report
January 4, 2019Adrian Brown is away. His column will reappear in the January 11 edition of Lube Report Asia.
Marine Lube Market: Challenging But Growing
January 4, 2019Marine lubricant marketers and their customers face several significant challenges in coming years, but the market is growing and still offers opportunities to new and existing suppliers, an industry insider said at a recent conference.
Uzbekistan Mulls GTL Base Stocks
January 4, 2019Uzbekistans national oil and gas company said it met with a Chinese construction firm last month to discuss adding a base oil plant to a large gas-to-liquids project that the country is developing.
China Policies Promote Electric Vehicles
January 4, 2019China is set to implement several policies that aim to promote electric vehicles by encouraging sales and protecting previous investments in the manufacture of EVs.
From Other Editions of Lube Report
January 4, 2019Briefly Noted
January 4, 2019Bengaluru, India-based Pitstop and Shell entered into an agreement for the doorstep car service company to use Shell lubricants when providing oil changes to customers. Manila, Philippines-based Herco Trading will distribute Prestone-branded motor oil throughout its auto care retail network after the two companies reached an agreement last week.
January 4, 2019An article in the Dec. 28 issue included incorrect information about early implementation of the China 6 emissions standard for light- and heavy-duty vehicles. In December the national government proposed a plan that called for the standard to take effect this month in five cities and provinces, 18 months ahead of the scheduled nationwide implementation. But the city of Shenzhen is the only jurisdiction to actually put the standard into effect this month.