STLE Co-hosts Sustainability Course


The Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers and sustainability consultants Carbon Minds have developed a four-part course on life cycle assessments and product carbon footprints – two essential topics for the industry as sustainability become an ever-greater facet of daily business.

The four parts will comprise a webinar, a two-hour workshop on life cycle assessments, a live question and answer session with Oskar Volger, the project manager of Carbon Minds, and a session at the STLE annual meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.

Each event will offer insights into the fundamentals of product carbon footprint calculations specifically for the lubricant industry, through the lens of a life cycle assessment tailored specifically to the lubricants and grease industry.

Attendees will gain information and a certificate to help their organizations work through the challenges of LCA and product carbon footprint. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions to a Carbon Minds representative about sustainability in Part III of the program.

“We are thrilled to partner with Carbon Minds to bring their expertise to us,” said STLE President Jack McKenna. “Sustainability has become an important consideration for all of us working in the lubrication and tribology field.”

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