Volume 4 Issue 43

Trucking Crisis Drags on Industry
October 27, 2021On-road freight transportation in the United States is in the midst of a crisis as the COVID-19 pandemic and other disruptions have compounded a driver shortage that is several years old. With a shortage of trucks now piling on, the situation is contributing to a growing number of supply chain disruptions undercutting the economic recovery, according to a speaker at a recent lubricant industry conference, who added that he sees scant prospect for the situation to improve in the near term.
Custom Content in association with PerkinElmer
PerkinElmer Makes Grease Sampling Simple
October 27, 2021
Machinery and equipment relies on effective lubrication. Yet greases – an important lubricant commonly used in axles, bearings, and gears – are notoriously difficult to test and analyze. When it comes to testing grease, there are many different methods and they all have varying degrees of effectiveness.

Profits Down for Afton, Sales up for HCC
October 27, 2021Afton Chemical reported a lower operating profit despite increased sales – citing such factors as rising costs for raw materials and energy and continued disruptions in the global supply chain – while Heritage-Crystal Clean’s oil business segment reported higher, record revenue for the third quarter, compared to results in the same period last year.

Chip Shortage Hampers Auto Sales
October 27, 2021Semiconductor microchip shortages and supply chain disruptions continue to impact light vehicle production, inventory and sales globally and in the United States, according to the National Automotive Dealers Association. “The biggest story this year in the auto industry has been the semiconductor microchip shortage, which has severely impacted vehicle production throughout the globe,” NADA chief economist Patrick Manzi said in a press release.
From Other Editions of Lube Report
October 27, 2021Turkey’s Lube Demand Stalled in 2020
Briefly Noted
October 27, 2021The competitive process for the sale of state-run oil company Petrobras’ Lubrificantes e Derivados de Petroleo do Nordeste refinery – known as Lubnor — in Fortaleza in Brazil’s northeastern state of Ceara is still underway, the company said in a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filing earlier this month. Lubnor has a 1,290 barrels per day naphthenic base oil plant.