Volume 1 Issue 4

SSY Base Oil Shipping Report
January 24, 2018The United States is busy in nearly every area. Europe is more active on the long-haul routes, but coastal routes are somewhat flat. Many Asian routes have a healthy level of activity, but there are some that are starting to stall.-by Adrian Brown

Site Leased for Rerefinery in Western Canada
January 24, 2018Gen III Oil Corp. intends to start construction this summer on a rerefinery that will make API Group II and III base oils at a leased site in Bowden, Alberta, Canada.

Pilot Invests in Tech
January 24, 2018Pilot Chemical Co. is investing $5 million in technology and innovation initiatives this year as part of an effort to broaden its focus beyond the manufacture of sulfonates, alkylates and amides. Officials said the company will work to expand those existing product lines and to develop polymers, initially for oil field and cleaners markets.

Congress Calls for Rerefining Study
January 24, 2018The United States House of Representatives approved a bill last month calling on the Secretary of Energy to revamp a study about rerefining of used lubricating oil. Sponsored by U.S. Representative Susan Brooks (R-IN), House Resolution 1733 aims to delve into the environmental benefits and cost-effectiveness of rerefining.
From Other Editions of Lube Report
January 24, 2018More U.S. Finished Lube Price Hikes
January 24, 2018Several companies notified U.S. customers of upcoming increases in prices for finished lubricants, including ExxonMobil, which will raise prices by up to 6 percent effective Feb. 26. Pinnacle Resources will increase prices 20 to 25 cents starting Jan. 30. Chemlube will bump up prices 20 to 25 cents per gallon effective Feb. 5. Safety-Kleen Systems Inc./Kleen Performance Products will raise prices by 5 to 8 percent effective Feb. 19. Martin Lubricants will increase prices by 4 to 7 percent per gallon effective Feb. 19. Citgo will increase prices 5 to 8 percent effective Feb. 23. Omni Specialty Packaging will raise prices by 6 to 8 percent on both bulk products and packaged goods effective Feb. 28. Previously, Shell informed U.S. customers about a price increase of up to 5 percent effective Feb. 19.
Briefly Noted
January 24, 2018Denver, Colorado-based private equity firm Lariat Partners invested in Offen Petroleum, a fuels, lubricants and logistics services provider operating in Colorado and the Rocky Mountain region. The investment will enable Offen to reach into new markets through greenfield locations and acquisitions. Brian Coffman was appointed president and CEO of Motiva Enterprises, replacing Dan Romasko. Coffman previously served as senior vice president of refining for Andeavor Corp., formerly known as Tesoro.