Publisher’s Letter


Making Industry Connections Faster and Better

LubesnGreases is constantly adjusting our formula to serve the lubricants industry better, and our latest update has taken the shape of an expanded and enhanced industry directory.

For almost 20 years, readers in the United States and Canada have considered our Lubricants Industry Sourcebook as the go-to resource for finding suppliers and services in those regions. The sourcebook has proven so popular weve taken the extra step of creating the new Lubricants Industry Directory that is capable of including listings from across the globe.

Each listing is verified by our editors to ensure it is both accurate and relevant to our readers. And the responsive design makes looking up contacts from your mobile device fast and easy. You can also view the latest product and people news on the directory home page. The basic listings cost nothing for lube manufacturers and their suppliers.

An added bonus is an enhanced search functionality. Once youve tried the key word and advanced searches, you can filter search results by geographic location. Listings can be filtered further with the browse-by-category feature that also includes a location filter. Central and South America listings are rolling out now, to be followed soon by Europe, Middle East, Asia, Africa and Oceania.

Listed companies and advertisers have some new opportunities, as well. Enhanced directory listings are available with company descriptions, logos, images, videos, PDF documents and social media links. If youd like to add or update a company listing, or advertise in the new directory, email Michele Persaud at

Find the Lubricants Industry
Directory at Then check back frequently to see whats new.

Howard Briskin

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