Letter to the Editor


Dear LubesnGreases,

I am writing with reference to the article on the East African lube market in your February issue, which was based on a presentation prepared for Octobers ICIS Middle East Base Oils & Lubricants Conference.

The actual market size in Tanzania is approximately 30,000 tons. Fuchs held the largest market share, and we blended 10,780 tons in 2013. Oryx blended approximately 15,000 tons last year, which also includes lubricants blended for Total, Mogas, Oil Com and other small players. General Petroleum is a new entrant and blended approximately 1,500 tons. The rest is accounted for by imports.

I had previously informed ICIS about the discrepancy in the figures so was surprised to see it in your magazine.


Feroz Kassam

Managing Director

Petrolube Ltd./Fuchs

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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