Product News


Cleaning Up Oil Mists

Oil Mist Eliminator from SPX Doll-inger captures and coalesces oil mist from machining operations and re-turns the oil to the lube oil tank for re-use. Dollinger oil mist eliminators trap oil droplets and particles as small as 0.3 micron. This eliminates visible oil plumes from machinery, keeping the environment and equipment cleaner and easier to maintain, preventing the formation of dangerous and slippery surrounding work areas.

The company says the oil mist elim-inator requires minimum maintenance with filter element life of up to five years. Both non-blower and blower assist models are available for positive- and negative-pressure systems.

GTL Transformer Oil

Shell Europe has introduced Diala S4 ZX-I, the first transformer oil based on gas-to-liquids base stocks. The company says the oil is sulfur-free and provides long-term stability, even under high pressure. S4 ZX-I reduces the potential for sulfur corrosion of copper in the transformer.

The oil reportedly has high specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity to support good cooling performance, as well as the ability to withstand severe voltage fluctuations. Diala S4 ZX-I is miscible with conventional insulating oils and meets the interna-tional standard for transformer oils, IEC 60296 (inhibited oils), Section 7.1. This oil has a uniform molecular structure and is free from PCBs, DBDS and passifierst.

Hydraulic Fluids for European Vehicles

Beck/Arnley announces it has added two hydraulic fluids for European vehicles to its line of genu-ine OEM fluids. Full synthetic FS11 HF and mineral-oil based MB7 HF are used in highly loaded central hydraulic systems, power steering systems and shock absorbers. The company says both fluids exhibit outstanding viscosity/temperature characteristics that enable sensitive response at both high and low oil temperatures.

The fluids are compatible with other branded central hydraulic fluids and meet the requirements of DIN 51524T3 and ISO 7308. The fluids also are said to provide outstanding aging and oxidation stability.

Gear Oils Get Siemens MD Approval

Lubrizol Corp. has launched a series of fully formulated industrial lubricants that meet the Siemens MD specifica-tion (formerly known as the Flender specification). FM2205A, FM2206A and FM2207A industrial gear oils are said to ensure trouble-free perfor-mance in heavy-duty gearbox appli-cations in industries such as mining, metal fabrication and general manu-facturing.

The Siemens MD specification for helical, bevel and planetary gears re-quires a high level of micropitting and dynamic foam resistance, as well as compatibility with the advanced ma-terials now being used for the internal paint, elastomeric seals and liquid sealants in industrial gearboxes. The company says that the new chemistry provides the required levels of perfor-mance across a range of base stocks.

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