Volume 1 Issue 44

Kline: Competition Heats Up in China
November 4, 2014As China solidifies its place as the worlds largest lubricant market, that market will become more competitive, see faster growth in inland areas, and continue shifting toward higher quality products, Kline & Co. consultants said last week.

Profits Up for Castrol India, SK
November 4, 2014The third quarter brought improved performance for Castrol India and SK Lubricants. Castrols net profit for the three months ended Sept. 30 rose 11 percent compared to the same period of 2013, while SK reported a 16 percent uptick in operating profit.

Lube Quality Rising in Myanmar
November 4, 2014Myanmars consumption of medium- and high-grade lubricants has risen steadily the past five years and now accounts for 40 percent of the nations overall lube demand, according to a new report by consulting firm Solidiance.

China Eyes Tighter Emissions Caps
November 4, 2014Chinas central government is considering a draft emissions standard that would set stricter caps on pollutants released by motorcycles, mopeds and motorized three-wheelers.

Gulf PetroChem Done Buying Sah
November 4, 2014Gulf PetroChem confirmed that its open offer to acquire publicly held shares of Sah Petroleums stock ended Oct. 28. The United Arab Emirates-based company described the campaign as a success but did not disclose how much of the publicly held shares it acquired. Twenty-six percent of Mumbai-based Sahs stock was held by public shareholders when Gulf PetroChem offered to buy them for Rs 5 per share. Gulf PetroChem had previously purchased 72 percent of shares from the Sah family.