Volume 6 Issue 40

U.S. Base Oils Continue to Sag
October 4, 2023Base oil production in the United States declined 7% in July – continuing a year-long trend – although naphthenic production sported a 5% increase for its first year-on-year improvement this year, according to data released by a government agency last week.

PdVSA Reopens Lube Blending Plant
October 4, 2023Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. announced yesterday that it has reopened a finished lubricant blending plant at its Vassa Guacara refinery, part of an ongoing effort to rebuild its oil industry from the throes of economic collapse.

Brazil Base Oil Production Dropped in July
October 4, 2023Brazil’s base oil production plummeted 29%, while its base oil import volumes surged 55% in July, the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels reported. Through the first seven months of this year, domestic production and imports are both up 5%.
From Other Editions of Lube Report
October 4, 2023Lukoil Plans Additives, Lubricants Plants
Briefly Noted
October 4, 2023Sales of new vehicles in the United States were expected to reach nearly 1.3 million in September, a 13% increase compared to the same month last year, Cox Automotive reported. The year-over-year gain in sales throughout this year reflects pent-up demand, the company said, as consumers and large fleets have become buyers as inventory improves.