Volume 5 Issue 29

API Drafts Sustainable Practice for Lubes
July 20, 2022A special committee of the American Petroleum Institute is drafting a recommended practice for calculating the environmental sustainability of finished lubricants. The Sustainability Work Group aims to finish drafting its life cycle assessment recommended practice and for API to ballot it later this summer.

Afton Expands Additives Plant
July 20, 2022Afton Chemical Corp. announced today that it completed a $70 million expansion at its lubricant additive factory in Sauget, Illinois – a project that enables the plant to make additives for new types of fluids for electric vehicles, along with increased amounts of products for transmission fluids.

U.S. Hits EV Tipping Point
July 20, 2022Uptake of electric vehicles in the United States has passed the 5% tipping point, setting the world’s second-largest auto market on the path to mass adoption of electrified transport, according to Bloomberg NEF.
From Other Editions of Lube Report
July 20, 2022Big Additive Suppliers Halt Sales in Russia
Briefly Noted
July 20, 2022Distributor Polsinello Lubricants of Rensselaer, New York, acquired automotive and industrial lubricants distributor Williams Lubricants, based in Sayre, Pennsylvania.