Volume 3 Issue 4

Wax Industry Feels Pressure
January 22, 2020As the trade war between Washington and Beijing continues, the United States paraffin-based wax industry is feeling pressure as sales dip and alternative waxes gain a larger share of the market. Wax sellers and buyers worry that if the duties continue, they will burn the industry.

Petrobras May Add Group II Production
January 22, 2020Brazilian state-run oil company Petrobras is seeking to add API Group II base oil production in the country through new installations at its Comperj petrochemical complex in the city of Itaborai, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

Calumet Plans Lubricants Business Growth
January 22, 2020Calumet Specialty Products Partners will undertake a slew of initiatives to lift its lubricating oils and finished lubricants business as part of an overall strategy to bolster the companys profitability this year, it announced on Tuesday.
From Other Editions of Lube Report
January 22, 2020Briefly Noted
January 22, 2020PetroChoice acquired Oklahoma City, Oklahoma-based lubricants distributor Commercial Distributing Inc. Parkland Fuel Corp. acquired Salt Lake City, Utah-based Kellerstrass Oil Co., which distributes fuels and lubricants. Chevron Oronite announced that Barbara Smith, vice president of products and technology, will retire on April 1 after 31 years service, and appointed Koon Eng Goh vice president of products and technology in Richmond, California. The company also appointed Walt Szopiak as its vice president of manufacturing and supply effective Oct. 16 last year, replacing Curt Anderson, who was named vice president of manufacturing for Chevron Products Co.