Help Needed – Initial European Industry Salary Survey
The lubricants industry, like the economy at large, has weathered a great deal of turmoil over the past several years. Todays successful companies are seeking (or seeking to keep) the skilled professionals who can manage their growth. Experienced managers seek rewarding careers with successful companies. In this climate, employers and employees alike benefit from factual information about compensation and benefits in the industry.
What impact has the global economy had on salaries? Where are the highest and lowest salaries paid? How does job tenure or employer size affect earnings?
To answer these questions and many more, LubesnGreases EMEA this month is conducting its inaugural European lubricants industry salary survey, emailing confidential questionnaires to technical/laboratory managers and sales managers at lubricant manufacturing and marketing firms.
Our flagship publication LubesnGreases magazine has conducted a similar biennial survey in North America. And our readers have found the information invaluable in planning future personnel decisions.
We will report highlights of the survey results in our August and September issues, and will offer the complete report in late September, with responses compiled by longevity, employer size, geographic region, number of people supervised and more.
If you have received the brief emailed survey, please reply today. All replies go to Charles Mann Associates, an independent analytic services firm that will compile the results under strict confidentiality rules and destroy the individual replies once the data is tabulated. No one at LNG Publishing or elsewhere will see any individual data.
Thank you in advance for participating. Only with your help can we deliver this useful and much-anticipated information.
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