Volume 2 Issue 22
New Standards for Fire-Resistant Fluids
May 29, 2002HOUSTON — Manufacturers of fire-resistant industrial fluids have a year and a month to receive Factory Mutual Research Corp. approval of their products, under Factory Mutuals new Standard 6930 for flammability classification of industrial fluids. In the past, the standard for flammability classification of these fluids was based on two tests from the 1950s, Gerhard Daday of Factory Mutual Research said. The standard had problems. Some fluids passed or failed seemingly randomly. That lack o...
Mexican STLE Section Hosts Symposium
May 29, 2002HOUSTON — With its newly established formal standing, the first Latin American affiliate of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers is preparing to host its first symposium in Mexico City next month. Society officials from Mexico and the United States say the event, the International Symposium of Reliability and Energetic Triboefficiency, will showcase the chief contribution of the Mexico Section – its role in bringing lubrication information to a local audience in its ...
Will GF-4 Oils Play Nice With Others?
May 29, 2002HOUSTON — With the single exception of backward compatibility, automakers have basically completed the “needs” statement defining what specific improvements are necessary for GF-4, the next gasoline engine oil category. Four substantive issues are now front and center for the automotive and engine oil industries: needs, tests, timing, and backward compatibility. The “needs” statement is the automakers’ statement of why a new engine oil category is needed, and ...